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Our Guidelines

Bryant was a lover of all genres of music, and he often used music to make the learning experience more fun and memorable for his students. From the World Wars to the Civil Rights Movement, Bryant believed the music during those times helped tell the story. He also had a creative way of appealing to all learning styles, and his ability to reach his students is why there are countless stories of how much fun was had in "Mr. Bryant's" classroom. To honor his legacy, we're incorporating a musical element into the guidelines. Applications are due Apr. 26 by 5 p.m. ET.


  • Scholarships will be awarded to graduating seniors of Dooly County High School.

  • Students must be accepted to attend a  four-year college. Education majors are preferred, but not a requirement.

  • Students must complete a scholarship application.

  • Within the application, students must include a paragraph about the song that inspires them the most and why.

  •  A selection committee will review the applications.

  • Recipients will be notified by May 4 (Jasper Bryant, Jr.'s birthday). 

Scholarship Application

Thanks for applying!

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